Wednesday, April 23, 2008

2007 Tomato -- Garden Peach

Good tomato, bordering on very good, and what a plant!

Well, make that two plants. We purchased our Garden Peach at Green Thumb, and it clearly had two plants in it. We planted it and gave it a small 2.5 foot cage.

At some point, I called this plant(s) “Mr. Five by Five” as in it's five feet tall and five feet wide. And it kept on going. At some point it was in essence “Six by Six”. And the plant kept growing, looking like it was devouring nearby rose bushes.

And it was prolific. I remember one day picking over 90 tomatoes (I think it was 94) on this plant, only to pick the exact same number the next day. The plant was so wide that I simply couldn't reach some of them, even if I crawled. It was a mini-jungle, which protected the growing tomatoes.

Everyone likes this yellow fuzzy tomato, and is an absolute favorite for a friend of mine.

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