Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pulled Lime Green Salad

Today's haul: Cherokee Chocolate.

My wife watered the front yard yesterday and did more work on the roses. In the process, she took out the Lime Green Salad in the “koi pond”. After trimming it down it didn't do much at all, so it was reasonable to pull it out.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Took My Wife To A Hockey Game

Today's harvest: Nothing.

We do have a maturing winter tomato and a maturing Cherokee Chocolate tomato. The Cherokee Chocolate may be ready tomorrow.

I took my wife and a friend to their first hockey game last night. The Los Angeles Kings beat the Dallas Stars in a shootout. Everyone had fun.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

More Tomato Plants Can Be Pulled...

Today's haul: Old Ivory Egg.

My wife watered the front yard yesterday.

There appear to be several more tomato plants that can be pulled. One of the good producers over the last few weeks, Evan's Italian Plum, appears to be done.

I noticed that Pierce's Pride has another tomato growing on it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Back From Vacation

Today's harvest: Nothing.

On Saturday, however, I did get to harvest 2 Aker's Plums, 2 Piccolos and Evan's Italian Plum.

On Sunday, I harvested Prairie Fire and Evan's Italian Plum.

Yesterday, my wife took out Kimberly and Polish Pastel. Unfortunately, while cleaning up the roses in the front yard she also decided to cut a wayward branch on Old Ivory Egg. Trouble was, this branch had a half dozen tomatoes on it.