Friday, October 10, 2008

Had I Been More Observant...

Today's harvest: 2 Evan's Italian Plums.

Had I been more observant, I could have picked at least one of these tomatoes, keeping the harvest streak alive. At least one and perhaps both could have been considered mature yesterday.

My wife completed the back yard watering yesterday.

It looks like I will get rid of a lot of old tomato plants this weekend. Stay tuned.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Nothing From Nothing Leaves Nothing

Today's harvest...nothing!

We had nothing available to harvest today. The last day where we didn't harvest a tomato was May 23.

My wife watered the north side of the back yard yesterday.

Yesterday I was expecting to pick a ripe Kimberly but never found it. In the evening, my wife found our Manchester Terrier with, you guessed it, that tomato.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The 11000 Pounds Meme Continues To Spread...

The incorrect 11,000 pounds of tomatoes story continues to spread. Other links can be found here...


MarketWatch (The Wall Street Journal!)



The Money Times

Platinum Lounge

The San Francisco Chronicle Picks Up LA Times Tomato Story!

The San Francisco Chronicle picked up the Los Angeles Times tomato story. The story printed in the Chronicle on September 25, page B-8. The on line link can be found here.

The Ashland Daily Tidings Picks Up LA Times Tomato Story!

The Ashland Daily Tidings in Oregon picked up the Los Angeles Times tomato story. It appears that the article was printed in this newspaper on September 19. The link to the story can be found here.

The title of the article is “Man grows almost 11,000 tomatoes in backyard”. Uh, no, that's not true. Most of the ripe tomatoes are picked from the front yard.

Busy Monday

Today's harvest: Piccolo and Cherokee Chocolate.

No news to report – my wife was busy all day and I had work and our computer user group board meeting in the evening.

I will be posting additional links to the tomato story soon.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Running Out Of Ripe Tomatoes...

Today's haul: 2 Cherokee Chocolates.

My wife continues to work on her roses and reshaping the front yard.

I don't remember any tomatoes ready to be harvested. We may have nothing to pick tomorrow. I was tempted to leave a Cherokee Chocolate on the vine for tomorrow but with my luck, the Manchester Terrier would get it. They were ready, anyway.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Two More Plants Pulled...

Today's harvest: Piccolo and Evan's Italian Plum.

Green Grape and Black Krim (front yard) were removed by the gardeners yesterday. Now the “corner office” has no spring tomato plants. We took the two cages from these pulled plants and placed them on the last two winter tomatoes.