Today's harvest includes 5 Marianna's Peace, 4 SunGold, 3 Stupice, 3 Violet Jasper, 3 Snow White (front yard), Aunt Ruby's German Green(1), Persimmon, Black Krim, SunSugar, Dr. Wyche's Yellow(2), Pineapple, Enchantment and Gajo de Melon for a total of 26 tomatoes.
We've now harvested over 7000 tomatoes for the year (7009)! I'm a bit surprised at how soon we reached this figure (I figured mid-September). As of yesterday the harvest numbers didn't fall significantly.
That is, until today. Today's total is less than half of yesterday's total of 54 harvested tomatoes. The current heat wave we're in matured the tomatoes on the vine but now there's simply not much left (Yesterday's high was 103.8).
Also, we've harvested over 500 front yard Snow White tomatoes (502) and over 100 Marianna's Peace tomatoes (102)!