Tuesday's harvest: 8 SunGold, 3 Snow White (front yard), 3 Babywine, 3 Green Grape, 2 Stupice, 2 Violet Jasper, 2 SunSugar, 2 Carmelo, 2 Green Zebra, 2 Paul Robeson, Husky Cherry Red, Lyn's Mahogany Garnet, Dr. Wyche's Yellow(2), Marianna's Peace and Gajo de Melon for a total of 34 tomatoes.
Wednesday's harvest: 5 Snow White (front yard), 2 SunGold, 2 SunSugar, 2 Quedlinburger Fruehe Liebe, 2 Green Grape, 2 Green Zebra, 2 Snow White (back yard), Stupice, Violet Jasper, Large Pink Anna, Topaz, Big Pink and Weeping Charlie for a total of 23 tomatoes.
Wednesday was our third wedding anniversary!!!
Thursday's harvest: 4 Snow White (front yard), 3 Violet Jasper, 2 SunGold, 2 Large Pink Anna, Red Currant(2), Sara Black, Green Zebra, Berkeley Tie-Dye Heart, Snow White (back yard) and Enchantment for a total of 17 tomatoes.
Friday's harvest: 8 Snow White (front yard), 2 Violet Jasper, 2 Thessaloniki, 2 Azoychka/not Azoychka, Babywine, SunGold, SunSugar and Berkeley Tie-Dye Heart for a total of 18 tomatoes.
I took out six tomato plants in the back yard: Paul Robeson, Lyn's Mahogany Garnet, Dr. Wyche's Yellow(2), Enchantment, Gajo de Melon and Pineapple.
Today's harvest: 12 Snow White (front yard), 2 Husky Cherry Red, 2 SunGold, 2 Azoychka/not Azoychka, Stupice, Aunt Ruby's German Green(1), Carmelo and Babywine for a total of 22 tomatoes.
We've now harvested over 500 tomatoes for the month (568) and have also harvested over 4000 front yard tomatoes for the year (4010)!
Earlier in the week (I don't remember the day) I dug out the passive compost pile. I moved it to another area, then moved it back into the wire cage in the same location. The whole process took about three hours. The size of the pile clearly dropped and continued to drop over the last couple of days. I found a couple of spoons in the pile (oops!) and a large squash that didn't degrade whatsoever. I cut it into three pieces with the shovel.
My wife watered the back yard tomato plants.
I turned some dirt in the back yard and my wife planted some winter crops in this turned area near our south fence.
I'm still having some computer troubles but I haven't noticed it today, thus this catch-up update.