Friday, June 18, 2010

Harvested Speckled Roman!

Today's harvest includes 5 Red Currant(1), 4 Stupice, 3 Speckled Roman (6 ounces, new), 2 White Currant, 2 Principe Borghese, 2 Taxi, Patio, Black Cherry, SunGold and Red Currant(2) for a total of 22 tomatoes.

My wife weighed today's haul and says it comes in at 26.5 ounces.

In the afternoon, my wife watered/fertilized the back yard tomato plants with a fish emulsion mixture. While watering, she noticed ripe Speckled Romans and harvested them. They look great! One of the Speckled Romans came in at six ounces.

Late last night my wife and I propped up a fallen sunflower in the front yard.

A Thessaloniki and a Gypsy tomato are maturing. I almost harvested the Gypsy tomato.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wall Street Journal -- Dying on the Vine: Tomato Prices

Late Planted Seedlings Looking Strong

Today's harvest includes 3 Stupice, 3 White Currant, 2 SunGold, Black Cherry, Nyagous, Yellow Perfection, Red Currant(1), Sweet 100 and Principe Borghese for a total of 14 tomatoes.

Last night I had a salad for dinner that included most of our harvested tomatoes. Good stuff!

My wife indicated that yesterday's harvest came in at 7.5 ounces.

I did some more taping and training this morning.

The bird netting has successfully kept the birds away from the Stupice tomatoes.

The three seedlings in the seedling pot are growing and looking strong. However, it would be August at the earliest before seeing any tomatoes from these. Also, Big Pink looks strong.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Harvested SunSugar and Sweet 100!

Today's harvest includes 4 SunGold, 3 Black Cherry, 2 Violet Jasper, 2 White Currant, Nyagous, Red Currant(1), Jaune Flamme(1), Stupice, SunSugar (new) and Sweet 100 (new) for a total of 17 tomatoes.

My wife tried Lyn's Mahogany Garnet yesterday and thought it delicious. She also tried Sweet Tangerine two days ago and thought that tomato was delicious as well. I tried it and it's good – it would be excellent on a burger. A good “slicer” tomato.

It looks like our harvest may slow down a a touch over the next couple of days. I don't see as many tomatoes maturing as I did two days ago.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

LA Weekly -- What's in Season at the Farmers Markets: Summer Tomatoes

USA Today -- Tomato lovers sound off on heirlooms vs. hybrids

Harvested Lyn's Mahogany Garnet and Taxi!

Today's harvest includes 4 White Currants, 2 Red Currant(1), 2 Lyn's Mahogany Garnets (new), 2 Stupice, Black Cherry, SunGold, Sweet Tangerine and Taxi (new) for a total of 14 tomatoes.

My wife weighed today's haul. The weight was 14.5 ounces.

Lyn's Mahogany Garnet wasn't a surprise. I forgot to add it to the list of maturing tomatoes. Now we can add Sweet 100 and SunSugar to the list of ripening tomatoes.

We spent most of last night putting in our air conditioner in the bedroom. It took us a while but we got it accomplished.

I spent a little time “training” during the harvest this morning but mostly taped up wayward branches.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Harvest Numbers Climbing...

My wife watered the entire back yard on Friday.

Saturday's harvest: SunGold (new), Violet Jasper and Nyagous (new) for a total of 3 tomatoes.

My mother in law came up on Saturday. We showed her the front and back yard garden. While showing her the back yard tomatoes, I noticed a ripe and possibly overripe Nyagous. She peeled it and ate it right then and there – loved it! There was a second on maturing but it had blossom end rot. We picked it and put it in the compost pile.

While my wife and her mother went to the movies I watered the entire front yard. I added stakes to a couple of the front yard plants for support.

At dinner we did some tomato tasting with what few tomatoes we had. Most were okay but my wife did not like Violet Jasper. I was okay with it but so far it's pretty but the taste is not memorable.

Sunday's harvest: 2 SunGold, Black Cherry, Violet Jasper, White Currant and Jaune Flamme(1) (new) for a total of 6 tomatoes.

All the Sunday tomatoes were given to our mother in law.

We spent the afternoon at the Dodger-Angel game and in the evening saw Henry Rollins at the Largo, treated by Liz and Ricardo. A full day of fun!

Monday's harvest: 3 White Currants, 2 Violet Jasper, Stupice, Red Currant(2), Red Cherry (new), Principe Borghese (new) and Sweet Tangerine (7 ounces, new) for a total of 10 tomatoes.

A Taxi tomato is maturing and looks like it will be ready for harvest tomorrow. Another Jaune Flamme(1) is maturing.