Thursday, October 30, 2008

On Vacation!

Today's harvest: One winter tomato.

My wife and I will be on vacation starting tomorrow morning. There won't be any updates to this blog until a week from Sunday at the earliest.

So our October tomato totals (for our summer plants) totals 43 tomatoes. That's slightly higher than my estimate for the month.

We're closing in on the 4500 estimate for the year but still have a ways to go.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Two More Evan's Italian Plums Harvested

Today's haul: 2 Evan's Italian Plums.

One of the tomatoes really wasn't fit for human consumption (very leathery skin), so I gave it to our Manchester Terrier.

My wife watered the front yard.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One More Tomato Harvested

Today's harvest: Cherokee Chocolate.

My wife watered the back yard plants yesterday.

Kimberly fell down again and I instructed my wife that she can pull it if she likes.

Monday, October 27, 2008

More Of The Same...

Today's haul: Evan's Italian Plum (6 ounces).

Not much else to say, short of we're harvesting some good sized Evan's Italian Plums...I did notice another new tomato on Old Ivory Egg this morning.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Harvested More Evan's Italian Plums...

Saturday's harvest: Evan's Italian Plum.

My wife watered the front yard on Friday which included the tomato plants.

Sunday's harvest: Evan's Italian Plum (6 ounces).

The gardeners did a lot of trimming in the garden on Saturday, filling up the green trash can again.

My wife and I went out to the garden in the evening. We noticed three new tomatoes on Old Ivory Egg!