Let's take a look at the plants that don't have tomatoes on their vines as of today...
Blue Fruit – Grown from seed, planted April 3. This plant seemed about three weeks behind the Tomatomania plants planted a few days later. For a few days I thought there was a chance I could lose this plant. No more. Big dark green leaves, but not very tall. Doing well, though. Has a few blooms going.
Black Krim – Seedling grown from seed, planted April 26. It's too early for tomatoes on this plant. Has a lot of leaf curl and a tad more gray color than I'd like. But it seems to be doing all right.
Chocolate Stripes -- Seedling grown from seed, planted April 3. Similar story to Blue Fruit, though this plant is further along. It's a foot taller than Blue Fruit and has more blooms. Strangely, this plant doesn't have a main stem. It has two stems, split away in a Y configuration about an inch off of the ground, one north and one south. I've been trying to get these limbs to turn and grow vertically, with some success. It's doing fine and will probably have a tomato in a couple weeks.
Lime Green Salad (2) – Seedling grown from seed, planted April 26. This is the Lime Green Salad in the “koi pond”. This plant isn't very big or tall (it's the nature of the plant, no problem) but has nearly 100 blooms on it. It's just a matter of time before a tomato shows.
Snow White Cherry-- Tomatomania seedling, planted April 6. Plant is a bit shorter than the other Tomatomania plants but is in a growth spurt. It has a fair amount of blooms and a healthy looking green color. This plant was late in showing tomatoes last year, but was nearly our most productive tomato plant. No worries.
Old Ivory Egg – Seedling grown from seed, planted May 3. Way too early for tomatoes on this one, but is growing quite well and even has a few blooms on it. It's doing a very good job of catching up with the other tomato plants.
Stupice – Tomatomania seedling, planted April 6. This plant is a jungle and is already growing over the top of the small cage. This plant could very well have tomatoes on it and I simply don't see them. This could be a monster in the making. It'll have tomatoes on it soon and it may not stop for a long time.
Black Krim – Tomatomania seedling, planted April 6. Another jungle. Again, there may be tomatoes on it that I don't see. This plant is doing better than the front yard Black Krim, but it also has a 20 day head start. And the seedlings from our seed lady are about two to three weeks behind the Tomatomania seedlings when planted, putting this plant about a month ahead of the front yard Black Krim. I'm looking forward to these tomatoes!
Polish Pastel -- Tomatomania seedling, planted April 8. Another jungle, though not quite as thick or as tall as the back yard Black Krim. That's still makes it a very good and happy plant with blooms.
Zhezha – Seedling grown from seed, planted March 23. This plant took a turn for the worse in April, but hung on and started to turn around in early May. This plant is only about a foot tall, but about two and a half feet wide with a few blooms and a good color. If I get any tomatoes off of this plant I'll be happy.
Olga's Round Yellow Chicken -- Tomatomania seedling, planted April 6. Very similar to Polish Pastel though a little less jungle-like. Still, a happy and healthy plant with blooms.
Painted Ukrainian -- Tomatomania seedling, planted April 8. This plant wasn't the healthiest of seedlings. It was long, lithe and slightly yellow. You wouldn't know that now. It's a little behind the other plants in height but doing very well. The color is great, though not many blooms yet. Kellogg's Breakfast -- Tomatomania seedling, planted April 9. Similar in height as the Painted Ukranian plant. Seems happy. This is a beefsteak tomato so it'll be a while before tomatoes show, I believe.
Yellow Brandywine, Platfoot Strain -- Tomatomania seedling, planted April 14. Prettiest plant in the garden, at least four feet tall with a few long branches. However, there's only a few blooms on this beefsteak plant. I'd prefer that this plant fill out more.
Lime Green Salad -- Seedling grown from seed, planted April 27. This is planted in the same area as Yellow Brandywine, Black Cherry and White Bush. This area appears to be a bit sun-deprived. Having noted that, this plant is doing just fine for being in the ground for about 40 days. Has blooms.
Pierce's Pride -- Tomatomania seedling, planted April 21. This was bought at the Beverly Hills Tomatomania. It's doing well, good color and filling out, but it's just too soon for tomatoes for this plant.
Jeff Davis -- Tomatomania seedling, planted April 21. Plant looks great. It's getting tall and is filling out better than Yellow Brandywine. It's a beefsteak tomato like Pierce's Pride and it's simply too early for it to have tomatoes on it. I believe it does have blooms on it.
Aker's Plum -- Seedling grown from seed, planted April 25. Plant is doing very well and is filling out. But like the last two it's simply too early for tomatoes on this plant.
Evan's Italian Plum -- Tomatomania seedling, planted April 15. Similar to Painted Ukranian, this plant was long, wispy and a bit yellow when planted. This plant is still a bit wispy with only a few blooms so far. I think it's having sun issues similar to the four plants underneath the ponderosa pine (the Yellow Brandywine group). Evan's Italian Plum doesn't have a real issue with the pine tree, but it's close enough to the south gate to lose light after about 4 PM.
On the positive side, the plant's color is a deep dark green.
So there you have it. 19 plants without tomatoes, which would mean 32 plants with tomatoes.
Things are looking good.