Monday, July 21, 2008

Now The Backyard Plants Look Better

Todays harvest includes 7 Cherokee Chocolates, 5 Black Plum Pastes, 5 Red Currants, 2 Piccolos, 2 Gregori's Altai, 2 White Bush, Kimberly, Salisaw Cafe, Stupice, Italian Market Wonder, Black Cherry, Green Grape, Jaune Flamme, Paul Robeson, Thessaloniki, Black From Tula, a 12 ounce Red Yellow Cap and Lime Green Salad (from the “koi pond”).

My wife thinks we have enough tomatoes for another batch of sauce. The last batch, which was served Sunday evening, was fabulous.

I mentioned to my wife that in general, the back yard tomato plants look better than the front yard tomato plants right now. She agreed.

Yesterday, my wife watered the front yard and I watered the back yard.

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