Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Two New Tomatoes Harvested!

Yesterday we harvested two new tomatoes, Patio and Red Grape! We also harvested 4 Sweet Olive and a Sweet 100 tomato.

We tried the Red Grape on the spot. My wife really liked it. I was okay with it. It tasted a little bit crunchy for lack of a better term. They'll be more of these to harvest so I'll get a better idea then.

We tried yesterday's Jaune Flamme. We both decided that we should have tried it the day before as it was a tad watery (overripe). However, we tried another slice with salt on it and that helped bring out the smooth flavor.

My wife remade the “moats” in the “koi pond"! She mentioned how difficult it is to maneuver inside the fence. That's where the rest of the tomato taping comes into play. She also did some trimming of the undergrowth.

As for me, I did only about five minutes of work on the tomatoes. A bit of taping and a bit of training but that's all.

A Cherokee Purple tomato is definitely maturing.

The gloom of the past three weeks or so may have finally gone away. We did experience more gloom from about noon Monday to the late afternoon Tuesday. Right now it's hazy sun outside.

The two plants most negatively affected by the June gloom are Jeff Davis and White Currant. However, many late plants have had time to catch up without the strain of a hot sun.

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