Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Quedlinburger Fruehe Liebe Has A Tomato!

I'm happy to say that Quedlinburger Fruehe Liebe has a small tomato on it! This is another sign that the damaged plant has recovered.

One of the branches on Sweet Olive broke due to the weight of the tomatoes on it. As a side note, this container plant shares the space with Sweet 100. These two plants do not have cages around them, but there are U-shaped bamboo sticks used to support the plant. They don't work nearly as well as tomato cages.

Anyway, my wife used some tomato tape to support the branch, and we took off about a half dozen unripe tomatoes that were already showing the effects of the broken branch.

I hadn't trained any of the tomato branches on Sunday or Monday morning. I did train in the evening, but it took over 45 minutes to go through all the tomato plants and readjust the growing branches. That's how quickly they're growing! I need to stay on top of this.

I picked a Sweet 100 in the evening as well. My wife and I took our cherry tomatoes (about a dozen in all) and brought them to our computer user board meeting. These tomatoes were distributed among the other two board members that showed, and they liked the taste of them.

For now I'm harvesting in the evening though that will change to the morning at some future date.

Yellow Perfection is already five feet tall.

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