Monday, August 11, 2008

Kellogg's Breakfast Is Ripening!

The harvest for today includes 10 Salisaw Cafes, 7 Stupice, 3 Blue Fruit (6 ounces and 6 ounces), 3 Zhezhas (back yard), 2 Radiator Charlie's Mortgage Lifters, 2 Jaune Flammes, 2 Black Krims (back yard, 8 ounces, 8.5 ounces), 2 Husky Cherry Reds, 2 Piccolos, 2 Thessalonikis, Old Ivory Egg, Black Krim (front yard, 6 ounces), Cherokee Chocolate, Carbon, Arkansas Traveler, Prairie Fire, Snow White, Black From Tula, Golden Jubilee, Pierce's Pride (8 ounces) and Black Plum Paste.

Last night we visited our friends back from Florida. The have a really cute house in the San Gabriel Valley. We went out for dinner and the time just flew by. We dropped off tomatoes for them as well as our dinner friends from Saturday night.

A Kellogg's Breakfast tomato is maturing...

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