Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Harvested Nyagous, But It's Bad News

Today's harvest: 2 Husky Cherry Red(2), 2 Black Cherry, Nyagous (new), SunSugar, Bloody Butcher, Quedlinburger Fruehe Liebe, Husky Cherry Red(1) and SunGold for a total of 10 tomatoes.

Yesterday it got up to 97 degrees at Pierce College. Our plants and tomatoes are going to get bigger!

My wife completed watering the back yard tomato plants. She also added some fertilizer to the three plants in the back yard cutout with no tomatoes as of yet.

I was surprised to see a maturing Nyagous tomato. Unfortunately, this is probably bad news. The plant looked great until it got it's first tomato. Then it stopped growing. It's gray and has a bad leaf curl. The maturation of this tomato is due to plant stress, not due to the fact it's actually ready. The tomato is only the size of a marble. This will probably be the only tomato harvested. We'll see if this heat wave will cause a growth spurt in this plant, but I doubt it.

I was surprised to see 3 maturing Black Krim(2) tomatoes. I believe Paul Robeson(1) has a maturing tomato. There's another plant in the back yard, perhaps Paul Robeson(2) with a maturing tomato.

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