Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Got 10 More In The Ground

We got 10 tomato plants in the ground last night, my wife and I working as hard as we could after I got home from work and before the sun set.

We ate dinner. Then I went out to put up cages, place fertilizer around the tomato plants and water just enough to hold the fertilizer down. I'm expecting the rain due in a couple of days to finish the job for me.

Also I added a stake the the cage surrounding our volunteer tomato plant. If you base only on color, this volunteer looks like the healthiest plant we have!

I gave some tomato fertilizer to our Husky Cherry Red. It didn't get some fertilizer at planting time and it's starting to get a mild yellowish tinge. I thought it would help.

By the time I was done it was 10:15 PM.

This evening we have the same goal – get as many plants in the ground before the rain starts.

From memory, here's what we planted last night: In the front yard we planted Patio, Stupice and Violet Jasper. In the back yard we planted Red Boar, Dr. Wyche's Yellow, Pierce's Pride, Depp's Pink Firefly, Emerald Evergreen and two others whose name escapes me.

Unbeknownst to us at the time of planting, we did make a slight mistake. We planted a Dr. Wyche's Yellow in the area where we took out the grass in the back yard. After dark I took an inventory of what we planted, only to realize we had previously planted a Dr. Wyche's Yellow three feet away from the new one!

Last year we grew two Mexico and two Speckled Roman plants. But we placed one in the back yard and one in the front yard.

We forgot that we had already planted Dr. Wyche's Yellow!

As mistakes go, we'll take this one in stride. My wife loved (and I just “really liked”) Dr. Wyche's Yellow last year. So if we have two, all the better, even if they're only three feet apart.

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