Monday, April 20, 2009

TomatoMania -- More Fun!

My wife worked the TomatoMania event in Beverly Hills on Saturday. I couldn't help out – I had a client to attend to all weekend. My wife's experience was nearly the same as mine – exhausting, but so much fun. From what she told me, that event was by far the most popular of the events held at that location.

Now for the good/bad news – she brought home 17 more tomato plants. We'll never plant them all. But she did bring home Turkish Striped Monastery, so that'll be one of our keepers.

My wife watered the front yard tomato plants on Friday and I watered the back yard tomato plants on Sunday.

Also on Sunday, cousin Stephanie, daughter Julie and friend came over, got the garden tour, and took away about a half dozen tomato plants – a couple of our seedlings and a few from Saturday's TomatoMania event.

We still have seedlings to give away, so please contact us if you're interested and in the SoCal area.

Husky Cherry Red has a third tomato growing on the vines.

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