Thursday, August 21, 2008

The "Corner Office" Is Done...

Today's haul includes 3 Cherokee Chocolates, 3 Italian Market Wonders, 3 Piccolos, 2 Black Plum Pastes, Micro Tom, Red Robin, and overripe Old Ivory Egg, Salisaw Cafe, Stupice, Arkansas Traveler, Kellogg's Breakfast and Blue Fruit.

I watered the back yard last night, which included the tomatoes to be planted.

This morning, I found a tomato underneath a chair in the bedroom. That sneaky Manchester Terrier...

The “Corner Office” in the front yard is basically done. There's a couple of blooms on Green Grape and the front yard Black Krim still looks rather healthy, but at a cursory glance there's no tomatoes in this area of the front yard.

The Old Ivory Egg plant is getting huge...

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