Monday, August 8, 2011

Harvested Over 5500 Tomatoes For The Year!

Today's harvest includes 57 Matt's Wild Cherry, 16 Snow White, 10 Husky Cherry Red(2), 7 Garden Peach, 6 Orange And Green Zebra, 5 Husky Cherry Red(1), 4 SunSugar, 3 Green Zebra(2) (not Green Zebra), 2 Crimson Cushion (6 ounces), 2 Green Zebra(1), 2 Oaxacan Jewel(2), 2 SunGold(1), 2 Haley's Purple Comet, 2 Large Pink Anna(2), Pineapple (17 ounces), Sweet 100, Cassidy's Folly, Hungarian Heart (10 ounces), Coyote (not Coyote), Large Pink Anna(1), Husky Gold, Jaune Flamme, Aunt Ruby's German Green(1), Honkin' Big Black Cherry, Stupice, Bloody Butcher and Persimmon (11 ounces) for a total of 133 tomatoes.

We've now harvested over 5500 tomatoes for the year (5574)! And as of today we've now harvested over 1300 Matt's Wild Cherry tomatoes (1330).

And over the weekend a few milestones were reached. We've harvested over 350 Husky Cherry Red(2) tomatoes and over 600 Snow White tomatoes.

As mentioned previously, the volume is dropping somewhat dramatically...

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