Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Harvested Coyote (not Coyote)!

Today's harvest includes 54 Snow White, 53 Matt's Wild Cherry, 12 Garden Peach, 7 Husky Cherry Red(1), 6 Haley's Purple Comet, 6 Pink Berkeley Tie Dye (11 ounces), 5 SunGold(1), 4 Husky Cherry Red(2), 4 Golden Mama, 3 Coyote (not Coyote) (new), 3 Oaxacan Jewel (11.5 ounces), 3 Black Krim(1) (6 ounces), 2 Clint Eastwood's Rowdy Red (6.5 ounces), 2 Sweet Carneros Pink, 2 Cassidy's Folly, 2 Portuguese Neighbor (12.5 ounces, 6 ounces), 2 Big White Pink Stripe (6 ounces, 6 ounces), 2 Jaune Flamme, 2 German Orange Strawberry, 2 Bloody Butcher, 2 Big Zebra, 2 Stupice, 2 Orange And Green Zebra, 2 SunSugar, Southern Night, Green Zebra(2) (not Green Zebra), Kellogg's Breakfast (11.5 ounces), Paul Robeson(2), Large Pink Anna(2), Quedlinburger Fruehe Liebe, Green Doctor's Kiwi(1) (not Green Doctor's Kiwi), Chocolate Stripes(1), Green Grape, Honkin' Big Black Cherry, Michael Pollan, Hungarian Heart (22.5 ounces), Porkchop and Persimmon (11.5 ounces) for a total of 198 tomatoes.

The real Coyote tomato is a yellow cherry that weighs less than one ounce. These harvested tomatoes with the Coyote label are red and weigh around 3 - 4 ounces.

The harvested Hungarian Heart is the size of a softball. It's the heaviest harvested tomato this year.

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