Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Golden Mama Has A Tomato!

We're keeping busy, that's for sure.

Between all the chores and social obligations we're keeping up with the tomatoes as best we can. More accurately, my wife is keeping up with them as best she is able and I'm filling in where I can.

Last week my wife transplanted Honkin' Big Black Cherry into the container once used by Crimson Cushion. Crimson Cushion did go into a bit of shock but survived the first heat wave without too much trouble. Aunt Ruby's German Green in the container was planted into the south garden in the back yard.

The wind has been an issue all last week but there was no permanent damage to the tomato seedlings.

Last week my wife watered both the front and back yard tomatoes.

On Saturday morning I placed cages on many of the tomato plants. But during the last week my wife has been meticulously straightening out and fixing the bent and damaged tomato cages stored from prior years. We bought more tomato cages later in the evening.

On Sunday my wife watered the front yard tomatoes and I watered most of the back yard, including all the back yard tomatoes.

Golden Mama already has a growing tomato!

The tomatoes are growing at a prodigous rate. The winds haven't done any real damage and in fact will strengthen their stems. We may have a great year. Time will tell.

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