Today's harvest includes 18 White Currant, 17 SunGold, 13 Snow White (back yard), 10 Japanese Black Trifele, 9 Violet Jasper, 7 Red Grape, 5 Gajo de Melon, 5 Husky Cherry Red, 4 Dr. Wyche's Yellow(2) (one 6.5 ounces), 3 Marianna's Peace, 3 Red Boar, 3 Red Currant(1), 3 Red Currant(2), 3 Black Krim (8.5 ounces, 9 ounces), 3 Garden Peach, 2 Principe Borghese, 2 Gypsy, 2 Jaune Flamme(2), 2 Chile Verde, 2 Green Grape, 2 Speckled Roman, 2 Zapotec Pleated, Yellow Perfection, Nyagous, Pineapple (18.5 ounces), Pierce's Pride (9.5 ounces), Sweet Tangerine, Weeping Charlie, Brown Berry, Green Zebra, Black From Tula, Lyn's Mahogany Garnet, Snow White (front yard), Orange Fleshed Purple Smudge (7 ounces), Aunt Ruby's German Green (8 ounces), Poma Amoris Minora Lutea, Miss Elliotte Black (6 ounces), SunSugar and Sweetie (new) for a total of 137 tomatoes.
Yesterday's temperature got up to 102.6.
Today is the day of our tomato tasting party! We're not as prepared as we like since we just got the hot water on yesterday. My wife had hoped to do some canning before the party but it was just not meant to be.
The image above is from today's harvest.
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