Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ugh...That Manchester Terrier...

Today's numbers are: 13 Red Currants, 10 Salisaw Cafes, 8 Cherokee Chocolates, 5 Kimberlys, 2 Gregori's Altai, 2 Husky Cherry Reds, 2 Piccolos, Stupice, Sioux, Black Plum Paste, Black Cherry, Red Robin, Zhezha, Thessaloniki, Black From Tula (6 ounces) and Red Yellow Cap (one pound, or 16 ounces).

We picked more back yard tomatoes today than front yard tomatoes, 27 to 24.

Our Manchester Terrier picked off a large tomato last night. It looked like a Black Krim. But as I was picking the back yard tomatoes, I noticed a maturing Carbon was missing. I checked the organic waste bin and yes, there was a maturing dark tomato with three bite marks in it. It was about seven ounces in weight. From memory it was about a foot off the ground.

Later on I noticed the ground around the Carbon tomato plant had been dug up. The paper mulch was scattered everywhere. I had noticed a similar situation around the Lime Green Salad in the back yard and I think he picked one off there as well in the past.

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