Thursday, April 1, 2010

No Rain, So Four More In The Ground

The storm didn't come. Well, the storm did come but it brought no real rain.

My wife had a long day and didn't feel like doing much tomato work. I was expecting a relaxing evening, catch up on things...but there was no rain. I got home later than the previous two days.

I dug holes for four tomato plants in the back yard. These holes were in an area where our processed ponderosa pine tree was laid down as mulch.

My wife came out to plant Gypsy, Thessaloniki, an untagged plant that we believe to be Yellow Perfection and Snow White.

After dinner I put cages around these plants, added fertilizer, but didn't water. It was pretty cool and there was a chance of rain. I lightly watered these plants in the morning when no rain appeared overnight.

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